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الأقفال الصناعية التي نستخدمها غالبا —— قفل الكاميرا الأنبوبي - قفل المفتاح الأكثر أمانا, كام لوك, قفل الصراف الآلي, الشركة المصنعة لقفل آلة البيع - جعل شركة لوك

الأقفال الصناعية التي نستخدمها غالبا —— قفل الكاميرا الأنبوبي

Tubular cam lock is an important type of industrial lock, which provides reliable security for valuable items. It is mainly used in: intelligent service terminals, financial equipment terminals, vending machines, cabinets, صناديق الأدوات, mailboxes and other products.

Throughout this blog will be links showing the examples of the features of cam locks being discussed.

When the cam of the tubular key قفل الكاميرا rotates 90 degrees at the back, the door will be opened or closed.

As we can see, ال tubular cam Lock is probably one of the most flexible locks ever made. Over the years, the designs have changed and evolved, the materials have improved and the security has increased day by day.

جعل tubular كام اقفال include MK100B series, MK101B series and MK101AS series, which are made of zinc alloy, copper, stainless steel and other materials. The surface is treated with bright chrome and nickel, which is rich in metallic luster.

Each series also contains a variety of specifications. The lock cam can be customized according to customer needs and equipped with anti-drilling steel balls, which can effectively prevent the lock from being damaged.

Our locks have a complete range of high quality, and can be tailored according to your actual needs to meet your different security protection needs.We can supply not only tubular أقفال كام also even Keypad Locks, RFIDLocks, Industrial Locks, CombinationLocks, Padlocks, Smart Locks, الخ.



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