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What cam locks can be used in slot machines? - Serratura a chiave più sicura, Blocco CAM, Blocco bancomat, Produttore di serrature per distributori automatici - Fai compagnia a Lock

What cam locks can be used in slot machines?

Slot machines are called one-armed bandits for a reason. They are designed to take your money in small doses, so the casino owners can buy more slot machines and build bigger casinos.

With the increase in slot machines, you may ask yourself this question: how to manage so many slot machines?For a person operating a slot machine, ensuring the safe and stable operation of the slot machine can allow the gambler to always indulge in the world of the slot machine, allowing himself to earn more money.How to ensure the continuous and stable operation of the slot machine? An important way is to install a high-security blocco a camma , in order to seek the equipment to provide more returns for himself.

Cam lock is a very common or even a bit ordinary lock. Ha una varietà di tipi, livelli di sicurezza alti e bassi, when choosing a cam lock as a slot machine lock, devi scegliere con cura, because this will continue to affect your slot machine equipment. Così, what are the Serrature a camma that can be used in slot machines? We will provide you with sincere and reliable advice.

MK104BL is a falt key cam lock that can be used in slot machine equipment. Questa serratura a camma con chiave piatta è realizzata in lega di zinco, con un aspetto elegante e piccolo, sopra 200 combinazioni di tasti o chiavi simili.

This lock is not much different from other flat key cam locks. Il punto forte è che può essere personalizzato in base alle esigenze del cliente. I clienti possono scegliere diverse lunghezze per migliorare l'adattabilità dell'attrezzatura della serratura e della slot machine.


MK121 is also suitable for slot machines.This lock uses a tubular key system. The key can be rotated 90°, so the unlocking experience is very smooth. MK121 contains 7 gambe, which is higher in configuration than similar locks in the industry. This lock also has two types of key systems, 2 positions can control 2 switches, very convenient to use. Inoltre, Puoi anche scegliere se devi configurare sfere in acciaio antitrapano in base alle tue esigenze. Le sfere in acciaio antitrapano eviteranno più efficacemente che la serratura venga danneggiata.

God created slot machines to let people find happiness, E i casinò hanno la responsabilità di mantenere viva questa felicità. Choosing a suitable and safe slot machine lock will not only make people more addicted, but also make the casinos more profitable!Così, do you want to make the casino’s slot machines return more? Then contact us as soon as possible!



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