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ATMセーフロックの選び方? - 最も安全なキーロック, CAMロック, ATMロック, 自動販売機ロックメーカー - ロック会社を作る


The safe is an important part of the ATM and is also an area with high security requirements. Only locks with a high enough security level can protect the safety of valuables inside. 近年では, with the diversification of application scenarios, the use of safe ロック has gradually developed in the direction of intelligence.Based on the market demand of the safe industry, MAKE has launched a smart electronic safe lock MK-E310, which has the advantages of high safety factor, strong anti-theft and anti-pry capabilities, 等。, which greatly improves the security level of ATM safes and makes them safer to use.

All-metal lock body, 100,000 times life:
The lock body is made of all-metal material, which is strong and durable. The structure adopts the double-proof design ofanti-violence and anti-knock unlocking”, which is solid, safe and reliable. The lock has a service life of 100,000 倍, making it safe and secure to use.

Two level management system:
The lock has a two-level management system. Users can set up multiple users according to needs. It can accommodate 9 users (including one administrator and eight operators) 同時に. It is especially suitable for the daily management and use of safes in financial institutions such as banks.

Delay opening function:
Users can choose the lock to be opened at any time within the set 0-99 minutes. After entering the password, the lock will not be opened immediately, but will be opened after the time set by the user is reached.

Self-locking function:
If the lock is not unlocked immediately after entering the correct password, the lock will automatically lock after 4 seconds. If the user enters the wrong password four times, the lock will be automatically locked for five minutes. Even if the correct password is entered within these five minutes, the lock cannot be opened smoothly. The lock function can effectively prevent accidental opening caused by trying to enter the password.

Memory function:
The lock body of MK-E310 has a built-in memory program that can store unlocking records. When the lock needs to replace the battery, the original usage data will not be lost and there is no need to reset it, making it easy and worry-free to use.

The high safety factor, diversified functional design and strict technical requirements greatly enhance theinsurance powerof MAKE’s electronic safe locks, providing users with a safe and secure experience. 将来的には, we will continue to pay attention to the changes in demand in the safe lock industry, base ourselves on the product itself, continue to cultivate our internal skills, and improve customer satisfaction with better products and services!



