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MAKE ガンボックスロック, 泥棒が盗むのを不可能にします ! - 最も安全なキーロック, CAMロック, ATMロック, 自動販売機ロックメーカー - ロック会社を作る

MAKE ガンボックスロック, 泥棒が盗むのを不可能にします !

The gun box is a kind of safe specially produced for the reasonable management of firearms. そこで, compared with the safe, the safety of the gun cabinet is also very important.

An advanced and safe gun cabinet can not only store your favorite weapons, but also prevent weapons from being stolen and accidents. And a safe gun cabinet is inseparable from the support and help of the gun box lock.
In the use of gun box locks, most of them are cam locks with high security. With the popularization of intelligent technology, electronic locks are also gradually used in gun box.

Make is a professional manufacturer of gun box locks in China, we provide you with a guide to help you further understand the product features and advantages of this gun box manufacturing factory.

M1 is one of the utility model patent locks independently developed by MAKE, which is a hot-selling classic product.It innovatively adopts the design concept ofdisc in disc”. The design is ingenious and integrates multiple safety structures. It truly achieves anti drilling and anti prying, and improves the safety of the lock to a new height, providing safety guarantee for the use of customersgun box. It has obtained three patents in China,US and Germany.

Mアケ electronic safe locks are mainly opened by entering a combination of passwords. Users can improve the security and reliability of the safe by setting a 6-9-digit password.When the correct combination is entered, the tail end of the electronic safe lock automatically retracts and allows the handle to be turned in order to open the safe door.

同時に, this lock also has a locking function and a self-locking function. パスワードを間違えて入力した場合 4 連続した回数, it will automatically lock; そして内 4 パスワード入力後秒数, ロックを解除しない場合, it will automatically lock , don’t worry about security.

MAKE electronic safe lock is made of zinc alloy material, which is strong and durable, and has a standby life of up to 3 月日; the structure is not easy to change, which affects the normal use of the lock.

Keeping your firearms safe can help deter thieves, and if you have children in the home, prevent them from accidentally taking them. そこで, a secure gun box lock is a must-have tool for every home that owns a gun.MAKE gun box locks are highly secure, moderate price,and can also be customized. If you want more information, お問い合わせください.



