In real life, self-service ticket vending machines can serve people well, and the service efficiency is very high, providing everyone with a humanized, technological, and diversified experience. 그렇지만, the self-service ticket vending machine has become the “cash machine” in the eyes of many thieves.

Take the existing self-service ticket vending machine cash box locks as an example. Most self-service ticket vending machine cam locks have a large number of shortcomings, 보안 성능 저하와 같은, criminals can open well, 불량한 도난 방지 기능, and staff management maintenance is inconvenient, which greatly reduces the practicability of the self-service ticket vending machine.
In order to better solve the application problem of 캠 잠금 장치 in the field of self-service ticket vending machines, the editor deliberately counted several main functional requirements of the current market for the use of locks in self-service ticket vending machines:
1. 보안 요구 사항: self-service ticket vending machines are located in public areas, are frequently used, and have high security requirements for cam 잠금;
2. 편리한 관리: It is often impossible to have only one self-service ticket vending machine. It is often necessary for staff to count the coins in it or maintain and manage internal equipment in time. 그러므로, the cam locks used by the self-service ticket vending machine need to be convenient for the staff to use. “여러 개의 자물쇠를 열 수 있는 하나의 키” management function;
3. Special requirements: Some self-service ticket machines are located outdoors, facing wind, sun and rain, and locks need to have a certain degree of moisture and corrosion resistance;

By summarizing the above requirements, it is not difficult to find that the self-service ticket vending machine cam 자물쇠 must not only have high security performance, but also have a master key system, and even be waterproof and moisture-proof.
We provide you with a high-security cam lock suitable for self-service ticket vending machines for your reference!
MK101BS is a small-size tubular cam lock 시리즈, which is the classic of MAKE’s small cam locks. Its lock body and key are small and exquisite. There are a variety of cams to choose from. It is made of zinc alloy and the surface has been treated with professional processes such as bright chromium and bright nickel. It can maintain good performance even in humid outdoors.
The MK101BS tubular cam lock is equipped with a tubular key system, 키는 최대 10,000 또는 그 이상, and can be used for 4 또는 7 핀, 안전성을 크게 향상시키는; 동시에, the MK101BS series tubular cam lock also has a master key system, 하나의 열쇠로 여러 개의 자물쇠를 열 수 있습니다., which facilitates the management and maintenance of the staff in use.

또한, MK101BS tubular cam lock is easy to install, cost-effective, and has a wide range of uses. In addition to self-service ticket vending machines, it can also be used in subway turnstiles, storage cabinets, 광고 상자, tool boxes, refueling equipment, display cabinets, 등.
Self-service ticket vending machines have now been widely used in our lives, and have even gradually replaced artificial windows. At self-service ticket machines, many transactions occur every day. 그러므로, in order to make your self-service ticket vending machine more secure, we have provided you with the above information. 추가 정보가 필요한 경우, or have any questions about the self-service ticket vending machine cam lock, 부담없이 상담해주십시오.