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Vending Machine Lock Cylinder MK209 - Bloqueio de chave mais seguro, Bloqueio CAM, Bloqueio ATM, Fechadura para máquina de venda automática Fabricante - Faça a empresa do fechamento

Fechadura da máquina de venda automática/

Vending Machine Lock Cylinder MK209

Material:Liga de zinco

Terminado:Cromo brilhante, níquel

Combinação de teclas:Code changeable

Aplicativos:Equipamento terminal inteligente, armário de metal/madeira, telefone público, portão subterrâneo, máquina de venda automática/jogo, caixa de segurança, armário, coffer, caixa de publicidade, veículo, caixa de correio, caixa de ferramentas, transport container, quiosque, reboque, parquímetro, etc.

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Vending lock plunger manufacturer , bright chrome ,with anti-drill ball , designed to fit NAMA and Japanese standard “ T-handles’.



  1. Code changeable lock with one change key and 8 different combinations user keys.
  2. Adjust key combination by change key. If adjust to code 1, it should be used with key 1 only. And then on
  3. The manager can change the key code while lock is installed without revealing what the current key code is. It is applicable to vending machine and any security equipment.
  4. One lock equals to eight locks, save cost and envrionment friendly.
  5. Designed to fit NAMA/Japanese standard T-handle/L-hanlde.



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