Safe locks are suitable for safes, gun cabinets, vaults, ATMs, ฯลฯ. These areas have extremely high security requirements. Locks serve as an essential component of the security system for safes. How do they protect the safety of equipment? Let’s see MK-E310’s “excellent skills” and how it gradually increases the difficulty of unlocking for illegal personnel.
One of the common means of unlocking is by violent knocking and damaging the lock. From the external lock body, MK-E310 is made of zinc alloy with high strength and hardness. The all-metal material provides a solid protective barrier for the lock.
Regarding the internal structure, the lock adopts a dual-defense design of “anti-violent and anti-pumping unlocking”, with a solid and reliable structure. The double protection from inside and outside makes it even more difficult to pick the lock.
MK-E310 has 6 ถึง 9 digit code, providing more key combinations and higher security. It is also equipped with lock-out and delayed opening functions to further enhance the safety protection of the lock.
Under the lock-out function, if the user enters an incorrect password four times consecutively, the lock will automatically lock for five minutes. During this period, even if the correct password is entered, the lock cannot be opened smoothly.
Under the delayed opening function, the user can set the lock to open at any time within 0-99 รายงานการประชุม. After entering the password, the lock will not open immediately, but will perform the opening action only after the time set by the user has elapsed.
This means that even if illegal personnel enter the correct password, if the equipment is not opened within the specified time, the lock will automatically lock again, effectively ensuring the safety of the equipment.
Some locks are prone to being opened or various malfunctions after being used frequently. MK-E310 has undergone professional testing, with a mechanical life of over 100,000 ครั้ง, ensuring the normal use of the lock for a long time.
It is clear that the MK-E310 ล็อคเซฟ provides comprehensive safety protection. สําหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม, กรุณาติดต่อเรา.