The safe is a tool for storing important items. It may store a large amount of money, valuable items, precious memories or personal privacy, which is very important in life.And for such an important tool, its daily safety is self-evident. MAKE’s high security electronic safe lock tailor-made a safe and reliable safe for you.
Due to its special function, the safe has higher requirements in terms of safety. เพราะฉะนั้น, in addition to paying special attention to the quality of the safe itself when buying a safe, the choice of safe lock is also very important.
In order to make every safe unbreakable, เซียะเหมิน MAKE Security Technology Co., บจก.. devotes itself to the research and development of the ความปลอดภัยสูง ล็อคตู้นิรภัยอิเล็กทรอนิกส์, which can be locked wherever it is, so that the safety of the safe is more secure, and you can take good care of your valuables.

MAKE’s high-security electronic safe lock is one of the new products . The appearance is fashionable, simple.The lock body is made of zinc alloy material, which is treated with a special process, rich in metallic texture, แข็งแรงและทนทาน.
The lock uses password keys to open the lock, the password keys are staggered, with strong aesthetics, 6-9 digits passwords can be set, and high security.
It has wrong entry penalty function and automatic re-lock function. เมื่อป้อนรหัสผ่านผิด 4 ครั้งติดต่อกัน, the system will automatically lock for 5 รายงานการประชุม; when the password is entered, the system will automatically lock if the lock is not unlocked within 4 seconds, which guarantees the user’s safety while preventing the safe was easily cracked.
In terms of functional settings, this electronic safe lock is also rich enough.In addition to the common two level management system and low battery alert function, it also has a time delay、memory function and reset function. Users can set the delayed start time by themselves, and there is no need to worry about data loss after replacing the battery, which is convenient to use.
The above are some of the functions and advantages of high security electronic safe lock . Make provides you with a variety of electronic safe locks, which can provide 100% security for your safe, while making your safe smarter. If you are interested in us, please go to the product center for more information, we welcome your inquiries! สําหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม, call the hotline: 0592-6360091.